



Oliver Lenaerts is founder of Contour. He is an alumnus of the Sorbonne and the University of Leuven. He practices art law and business law.

He teaches artlaw and addresses regularly a professional audience on artlaw matters. He has written several academic publications on artlaw  and has specific expertise in art financing and regulation of the art market. He is author and editor of a comprenhensive manual on artlaw (Belgian market) and is co-editor of a book on legal aspects of leasing. He is  affiliated with the Jan Ronse Institute of financial and corporate law of the University of Leuven and is artlaw expert at the Court of Arbitration of Art in The Hague. 

He is member of the Brussels Bar. He speaks fluently Dutch, English and French. 

Outside his legal career, he enjoys moonlighting as a visual artist.

Education: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Lic. Rechten, 1997) – Université Paris I (Sorbonne), LLM Europees Recht, 1998 – KUL, short MBA Corporate Finance, 2007

T: +32(0)15 34 55 46 M: +32(0)473 89 86 47 – E-mail: 

Pro Bono. Wanneer uw onderneming door een juridische crisis gaat of nood heeft aan projectmatige ondersteuning of tijdelijke versterking van de juridische dienst kan u ook op Contour beroep doen. Tijdens interim opdrachten blijven we gebonden aan de deontologische regels. Contour biedt ook een filantropisch dienstverleningsprogramma voor de kunstensector aan tegen lagere tarieven (bijv. bestuurslid in uw organisatie, …).