LeA Uitgevers publiceert een nieuw handboek van Oliver Lenaerts waarin kunst als eigendomsobject centraal staat met tal van praktische toepassingen voor de kunstverzamelaar.
Auteur archief:Oliver Lenaerts
Webinar – Open Data & Cultural Heritage sector: legal issues
Publisher Politeia organizes a webinar on the occasion of the publication of a book by Oliver Lenaerts on legal issues relating to re-use of cultural heritage.
Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht
“Legal aspects of art flipping”, an article by Oliver Lenaerts in the Belgian Journal for Commercial Law
Lecture: University of Namur (CRIDS)
Oliver Lenaerts lectures on open data, copyright and e-archiving at conference organised by CRIDS in Namure
Guest Lecture – KASK School of Arts
Oliver Lenaerts gives a lecture on ‘curating art and negotiating art contracts’ in a masterclass devoted to the theme ‘Fair Practices and Fair Pay’
Book on Artlaw (Belgian Market)
Intersentia publishes new monograph on artlaw edited by Oliver Lenaerts
Points of intersection between NFT’s and investor and author rights
NFTs are supported by blockchain technology and each creation and sale of an NFT is recorded on the blockchain. As a buyer this means that you can track all previous sales and prices of NFTs. This is a huge upside in a market which is driven by price assymetries. But what are buyers getting when […]
Art, Law and Antiquity Journal
An article on the application of competition law on manipulations on the art market is published in the Art, Antiquity and Law Journal of the Institute of art and law in London
Podcast ‘de weg naar de kunstgalerie’
In deze podcast spreken we met Ida Wollens, galerijhouder van DMW Gallery en met expert in kunstrecht Oliver Lenaerts van Contour advocaten over wat je als kunstenaar kan doen om een succesvolle samenwerking aan te gaan met een galerij